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Buy this drone here ֠ Check out our VLOG channel here ֠ We see a LOT of these micro mini drones on the market, some equipped with a camera, some are mini whoops with 5.8 ghz set ups, and others like this one are just simple. We like simple. Itҳ super affordable, yet fun and serves a purpose! If youҶe been flying drones with altitude hold, it might be time to push your skills to the next level with this little quadcopter and learn Throttle Management! It can come a little more naturally to some then others, but if you are like us and tend to learn things at your own pace (slower, LOL) why not learn on a great little drone that wonҴ break the bank! Hey, it wonҴ even break your $50!! We highly encourage everyone to get out and fly, and to push your skills to better yourself! During cold / bad weather days, the RH807 is a great way to pass the time and learn a thing or two. Let us know what you think in the comments below! Happy Flying! Buy this drone here ֠ Check out our VLOG channel here ֠ Support us on Patreon here ֠ Check out our ebay store here ֠ /> Have we ever saved you money or helped you pick out your favorite RC? Consider saying thanks by supporting us with one of these awesome options below! חחחחחחח Support TheRcSaylors on Patreon Here ֠ Check out our Vlog Channel! ֠ Buy a Sweet RC Saylors Shirt Here ֠ Subscribe for more RC fun! ֠ Like us on facebook ֠ Follow us on Instagram ֠ Intro and Outro Animation ֠ Want to send something to TheRcSaylors and see it on the channel? Send it to P.O. Box 361 Ashland, KY 41105 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON FAMILY!! David Chenzoff, Michel J. Gaudet, Flosiin, Dan Seldomridge, Michael Gerlicher, Gary Burt, Richard Higginson, John Salt, Michael Baney, Stacey Denman, Matthias, Brandon Tibbetts, Wray Herring, Chuck R, Alan Savage, Ryan Alexander, Raymond Hausele, Colin Neubauer-Keyes, Bryan Tyson, Gary Zion, Michael Califf Sr, Scott Tuddenham, Andrew Grubbs, Garrel Riggs, cxgaming, Sean Klein, Richard Bereczky, George Knipping, Banks McDade, Edward Feldman, Robert Hipp, Brad Dusold, and Ron Erickson