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Trading on a Budget (Part 2) (Don't forget to visit our website news-feed Letҳ say that you have made an initial investment of just $200. This is not a lot of money and you can lose it quickly, if you donҴ create and follow a good trading strategy. Since you are on a budget, it would be wise to come up with a good money management plan. The best thing you can do in such cases is to set a maximum amount of money you are ready to place on a single trade. For example, many traders set their limit to 10% of their current bank balance; therefore, if you have $200 in your account, youҬl place a maximum of $20 on a single bet. Of course, you can be even more cautious and set this limit to 5%, but this entirely depends on your personal preferences and trading style. (Still confused about making such a decision? Join our Telegram group and ask Know what your broker is offering Check the terms offered by your broker If your plan is to trade with smaller sums, then you should try to find a broker that offers an above-average payout ratio, while also being regulated. For example, you should look for a broker that offers payouts of up to 80%. Of course, the rate of returns is not the only thing you should take in consideration when selecting a brokerage firm. #NMBO1012 (Feed generated withFetchRSS)