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Still Think of Chocolate As Health Food? WeҶe heard about how good chocolate is for us, but is that really true? This article looks at reasons you might want to re-evaluate your chocolate habit if you have one. Change Your Diet To Change Your Life Balancing your diet and your busy professional life can be a difficult task. Considering how youҲe spending most of your time at work, you have little time for your nutrition and diet. But good health is necessary to live; how can you then make time to pay attention on your diet? Actually you donҴ need to, not much anyway as there are a few ways that you can modify your diet. These are very small and it takes almost no time to make these changes. Here are three small but very useful dietary modifications you can make. K2: An Important Vitamin You May Not Know While many people have heard of vitamin K1 and know it comes from leafy green vegetables, fewer people know about K2. This article offers some information about this important vitamin נthe functions (and sources) of which are quite different from those of K1. Some of The Amazing Health Benefits of Oregano Oregano also is known as wild marjoram is a culinary and medicinal herb from the Lip Flowers family. It is used in medicine and in cooking for thousands of years. It adds flavor, and it can offer a number of health benefits. Corporate Wellness Programs: The Importance Of Healthy Eating The good health and energy of employees increases the company productivity and, right nutrition is an integral part of it. Right nutrition is a part of corporate wellness programs. What does right nutrition mean? Right nutrition means eating healthy with a variety of foods which give a person all the nutrients necessary to maintain good health, feel good and have good energy levels. Eating Out? Make the Right Choices Eating out is not only fun but is also a great way to socialize today. More and more people are also travelling for work now. However, if one does not eat mindfully then, it would be impossible to stick to the health goals. This article focuses on what food choices should be made while eating outside of home and tips to swap unhealthy foods with healthy options. 5 Tips To Reduce Sodium In The Diet Salt is important in our diet as it enhances the taste of food and makes it more palatable. But, when taken in excess it can have health complications that can be serious. Today, the consumption of dietary sodium is more than what is recommended through the consumption of salt which contains sodium. This article focuses on the importance of a low sodium diet. It also gives an idea on the ways to curtail the intake of salt in the diet and at the same time keep the taste and health intact. Facts About Flatulence Many people think if their digestive system is working normally they wonҴ have any gas unless they eat beans or broccoli. The truth is its normal for people on a ӮormalԠdiet to expel a about quart of intestinal gas a day. Is Today the Day For You For a Change? True change takes laser focus. Commit, focus, and execute.