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70 Days Build Ferrari GTO 250 In Exchange For A Real Mercedes For My Son חחחחחחחחחחחחח #ferrari #mercedes #buildcar 0:32 ֠1:50: chassis and engine manufacturing 1:51 ֠3:00: install wood on the undercarriage to create the body 3:01 ֠3:52: use a hand-held chainsaw to pose Ferrari GTO 250 3:53 ֠6:30: Use a small hand-held circular saw to shape the body Ferrari 6:31 ֠7:08: Smooth the body of the car with a disc scrubber 7:09 ֠7:37: Use chisels to carve and remove excess parts, small details on the car 7:38 ֠9:42: Install details around the car such as: air vents, license plates, exhaust pipes, mirrors, seatsżbr />9:43 ֠10:12: spray paint on the car Ferrari GTO 250 10:13 ֠11:16: install car lights, wipers, glassżbr />11:17 ֠ 13:39: Check out my results and donҴ forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel חחחחחחחחחחחחחחח- Thank you for visiting my YouTube channel! All my videos: Help Me A Subscribe: />חחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Hope the videos recorded in the process of furniture manufacturing will be useful and entertaining for you. I like to use wood from discarded trees, not precious woods in the forest. I can make everything from wood, if you have a request, email me and IҬl make it for you. Hope that you will always support you to have motivation to create new and useful content. Thank you again! חחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Email: Phone: +84867918888 Fb: Donate: paypal: Note: FabiosaMedia Verified All rights reserved