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Personalized medical education technology MOKSH group was formed in 2012 in India with the sole mission to fill the gap of healthcare professionals globally. By 2018, it became a market leader in healthcare student mobility space in B2C segment placing 1000+ students annually in 6 countries for medical programs. This business stream of student mobility has now become the feeder network for all the group activities globally. The industry demand was responded by MOKSH and a new Academy was born in 2018.The industry pain point It was realized that just placing students to become a doctor is not the full solution since every student need to clear the licensing exam such as FMGE or USMLE before they can practise their clinical skills. The success ratio of students in the license exam such as FMGE was hardly 14.22% and it surely needed a solution for the students. By 2019, Indian parliament passed the law about mandatory license exam for all the doctors (India and foreign returned) namely NEXT (National Exit Test). This test would be applicable for all the graduates passing after June, 2023. Suddenly, the medicos realized that the MBBS degree does not mean a license to practice in India and they would need to prepare for the exit exam. This situation gave birth to the MOKSH Academy, which has now become the most preferred test prep solution among the medicos across the country for various entry and exit exams.