Which is best for your home gym, budget or expensive kettlebells? I discuss that and review these Amazon Basic Kettlebells with an enamel finish.
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Power Block Interchangeable Dumbbell Review:https://youtu.be/uvmxyRpK8Xc
Dadҳ Home Gym:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUJJkwbdxjk&list=PLmaK0QCXsEwARgv6adASOS-_LZbS2SNwG
/>Newest NoFate247 Videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11nnInCsogY&list=PLmaK0QCXsEwDRsPXjy_Y1cu7razqTIu2t
AmazonBasics Kettlebell:https://amzn.to/3gFoVEI
Yes4All Slam Ball:https://amzn.to/3iLfzsQ
Powerblock Column Stand:https://amzn.to/31P7U6U
Powerblock Compact Stand:https://amzn.to/3e5DnUI
I review a piece of gym equipment or accessory on every episode to help you decide if it is right for your home gym or something you should add into your fitness routine.
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As the father of 5 year old and toddler, I am dedicated to helping dads be a great father to their children and STILL accomplish their own personal goals. I provide ideas and insights to help you dads save your time, money, and your sanityŮ three things that are in short supply for every dad out there. IҬl also be taking you inside this dadҳ tricks, travels, and tribulations as I cover a number of dad related subtopics. Thanks for watching and as usual, donҴ save anything for the trip back.
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Email: Nofate247@gmail.com
Footage Date: 8/14/2020
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