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Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Summer A great article honing in on the Fitness & Nutrition Tips for the summer and swimsuit/reunion/wedding season. Losing weight is easy when you follow these simple nutritional and exercise tips for weight loss and maintaining weight. The Benefits of Power Walks Learn how power walking can help you stay healthy and fit. Power walks may seem simple, but they are more effective than they appear. 7 Tips To Maximize Your Workout There is more to exercise than going to the gym and working on your routines. Here are 7 tips that should help you maximize your exercise and athletic performance. 5 Tips How to Regain Natural Energy Lack of energy or becoming easily fatigued is a symptom of most illnesses, physical disorders and mental health problems. Tiring easily is also a symptom of malnutrition, which includes excessive, imbalanced and insufficient intake of essential nutrients. Top 5 Exercises for Every Mom Fitness for women, Moms in particular, needs to be fast and effective. The top five exercises every mom should do are designed to help prevent injury as well as be a quick and thorough workout! Physical Activity For Online Students In this article I will answer how many times a week you should exercise. IҬl also provide some easy ways to exercise at home. IҬl explain why online students should exercise. Finally, I will talk about how long you should exercise each day. Fitting a Home Gym Into Your Living Room Creating a home gym is something that can greatly help you to get into shape and stay that way. If you have struggled to stick to training routines in the past then no doubt this will have been at least partly due to pressures on your time and your energy. The Benefits of Purchasing An Electric Bike There are many reasons why to purchase an electric bike rather than a normal bike. It not only will help you save money on gas, it will help you keep physically fit. Raise Your Testosterone Levels With Strength Training Decreased levels of testosterone are responsible for a wide variety of problems in men and women. In both sexes it can result in a lowered sex drive, higher levels of body fat and increased risk for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease affecting the bones that cause them to become fragile and more prone to breaks and fractures. While it is unfortunate that many men and women experience low testosterone levels there is a way to naturally increase those levels. In this article I will explain what testosterone is and how you can raise the levels of this hormone to live a happier and healthier life. Get On A Natural High Endorphins, according to the American heritage dictionary, are any group of peptide hormones that bind to opiate receptors in the brain. There are 3 different types. Beta endorphins, found in the pituitary gland and enkephalins and dynorphins which are found in the nervous system. In laymanҳ terms endorphins are simply a hormone that releases during times of physical pain or physical exertion. Endorphins have similar chemical properties to morphine, without all the negative effects of that drug. Why Is Exercise Important To Your Health It is no longer news that regular exercise is not just good for your health but very important to your health. Exercise helps to reduce your risk of heart disease,diabetes and improves your overall health. This article will expose to more health benefits of exercise and why you should exercise regularly. What Pilates Can Do For You Be it a sports player, a regular office employee or a home maker, everyone at some point of time in their life suffers from back pain, joint pain or flexibility issues. One simple reason for all these problems is bad posture. One of the best ways to get rid of all these problems is pilates.