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Is your quadcopter drifting even when the transmitter gimbals are centered? This may help you! IҬl show you how to add Deadband to your quadcopter in BetaFlight to help dampen jittery sticks. #betaflight #quadcoptertroubleshooting Please buy through these links to help me continue serving you! Amazon Banggood I have a website ח- MY GEAR RADIO: QUAD RECEIVER: AIRPLANE RECEIVER: QUAD PROPS (my fav) FILMING GEAR Main camera Action Camera Mic Camera stand חּbr />Mandatory Disclaimer: I participate in the Amazon Affiliates program, which means that if you click on one of the above Amazon links and purchase a product on Amazon, I will receive a teeny tiny commission (at no additional cost to you). Also, various other links listed here may be affiliate links, to which this disclaimer also applies. **REMEMBER, always use caution and your best judgement when building and flying RC aircraft, be a good neighbor, and HAVE FUN!** חז About RCwithAdam: Adam makes FUN and HELPFUL videos about Radio Controlled aircraft, tech, and DIY projects! #RCwithAdam