Orel State Medical University, situated in Orel, a city in western Russia, stands as a prestigious medical institution. Initially conceived during the First World War, Orel State University (OSU) officially became a full-fledged university in 1931, boasting over 90 years of academic excellence. The Medicine Department at Orel University was established nearly three decades ago, offering students access to cutting-edge laboratory facilities for practical and research purposes. The university's infrastructure is top-notch, featuring specially equipped rooms furnished with relevant technical aids. Notably, the histology, clinical immunology, and biochemistry laboratories maintain exceptional standards.
With a faculty comprising 940 highly qualified members, Orel State University offers an extensive array of 297 courses and programs. Annually, the university produces around 4000 medical graduates across various faculties, including:
General Medicine: The largest faculty, with over 3,500 enrolled students, provides comprehensive medical education.
Pediatrics: Focused on child healthcare, this faculty offers in-depth knowledge and training.
Dentistry: Offering training in dental surgery, orthodontics, and dental prosthetics.
Pharmacy: Provides education in drug discovery, development, and usage.
Preventive Medicine: Emphasizes health promotion and disease prevention.
Medical Biochemistry: Offers a thorough understanding of biochemical processes in the human body.
moksheduconltd March 1, 2024Health