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Check out other tags at #KZNFloods Ladysmith CBD. CBD ՠ April 12, 2022, 2:35 pm Yusuf Abramjee @Abramjee #KZNFloods Ladysmith CBD. Citizens: "We just want to relax for a bit, can we get someż/a> Thc ՠ April 12, 2022, 2:03 pm Jameson Lopp @lopp Citizens: "We just want to relax for a bit, can we get some THC?" Government: PD Henry lapping it up in fantasy land whilst working the Perth CBD. Life of aż/a> CBD ՠ April 12, 2022, 2:31 am WAPoliceCanine @CaninePolice PD Henry lapping it up in fantasy land whilst working the Perth CBD. Life of a passive alert/narcotic detection dog. @PerthPol @SupportWACops #lifeofhenryż/div> LEGAL WEED: Green light given to 7 facilities to sell recreational cannabis.ż/a> Weed ՠ April 11, 2022, 11:50 pm News12NJ @News12NJ LEGAL WEED: Green light given to 7 facilities to sell recreational cannabis. Sales could start in a matter of weeks. Are you planning on purchasing the products when they go onż/div> The long-awaited opening of New Jerseyҳ recreational cannabis market just gotż/a> Cannabis ՠ April 11, 2022, 7:20 pm njdotcom @njdotcom The long-awaited opening of New Jerseyҳ recreational cannabis market just got the green light. @SuzParmley #njweed Check out other tags at