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Wizards Reviews is a review website for marketing tools, wizards reviews help you to automate tasks and build websites along with tools to help you create videos and images. Pinflux 2 Review | Pinflux 2 Bonus | Pinflux 2 Pinflux 2 Review֠Intro Pinflux 2 Review for an Automated Pinterest Marketing machine ֠Pinflux 2 is an overall revamp of our very successful Pinterest automation software. In this version, we have actually managed to make the automation truly easy by getting rid of the app approval procedure. You can automate whatever without needing to get your app approved, so itҳ really, really easy for users. It likewise supports scheduled posts and pins, in addition to automation for following and unfollow. The pro version also supports direct messaging the new [ŝ The postPinflux 2 Review ֠Automated Marketing machine appeared first onWizards Reviews.