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Check out my gear on Kit: SGILE Mini UFO Quadcopter Drone ֠The Best Mini Drone!? Cheap Beginner Budget Drone חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ SGILE Mini Quadcopter Drone Black US: UK: חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Ogon 3C Smart Wallet Review ֠ />חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ STABLE&SMOOTH FLIGHT: Soar through the skies with mini 6-axis RC Quadcopter that features 4 motors and rotor blades to provide maximum speed while ensuring stable and smooth flight. FLIGHT MODES: The RC Quadcopter features a Rotation Mode for 360 degree aerial displays, a Home Returning Mode for accurate and safe return, and a Headless Mode that provides easy operation by allowing the drone to fly in any direction without worrying about orientation. 2.4 GHZ REMOTE TRANSMITTER: Innovative 2.4 Ghz remote transmitter technology guarantees smooth flight without signal interference. The control distance of the RC Quadcopter is approximately 98.4 ft / 30m. RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: Powered by 1 included rechargeable battery through USB port. The flight time is approximately 5 minutes on a full charge of 30-50 minutes. Also included is 1 standby battery for longer fly time. חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Do you want your product reviewed on this channel? Contact me via email SUBSCRIBE : My Playlists : My Channel : Website: חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭