With over 3,500 reputable institutes and universities in France spanning various fields from Engineering to Culinary Arts, opting to study in France emerges as a natural choice for over 7,000 students from India annually. Undoubtedly, embarking on a journey to pursue studies in France guarantees a transformative academic experience for Indian students. The allure of studying in Paris has become a cherished dream for thousands of Indian students who were exposed to French during their schooling.
Studying in France serves as a gateway to unparalleled academic excellence, with credits earned being widely recognized throughout the EU region. Indian students aspire to study in France to secure a brighter future, drawn to prestigious universities like IFA Paris University and the American University of Paris, which offer diverse, government-funded programs that attract global students. These institutions, preferred by international students, provide essential services such as French language courses and academic guidance to facilitate seamless integration. Consequently, each year sees approximately 7,000 Indian students electing to pursue their studies in France.
The attractiveness of studying in France for Indian students is further enhanced by financial support initiatives, including scholarships, along with low tuition and living costs. Many of the top universities in France for international students offer high-quality education at a significantly lower cost compared to English-speaking countries. These globally acclaimed universities in France offer a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in accordance with the French education system.
Study in France
moksheduconltd March 1, 2024Health