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The benefits of medical billing and coding are numerous. The job is flexible and lucrative, and it offers a great deal of personal freedom. The majority of entry-level positions only require completion of an associate's degree or post-secondary non-degree program. This means no years in traditional college or paying tuition, and no long hours in a classroom. Additionally, a career in medical coding and billing allows individuals to work at their own pace. In the medical billing and coding profession, medical codes are used to submit claims to insurance companies. They follow specific guidelines to ensure accuracy. The codes are entered as soon as the patient makes an appointment and include the type of visit, symptoms, tests, and diagnoses. The medical billing specialist will create and submit claims to the insurance company. After the insurance company approves the claims, the remaining amount will be sent to the patient. The medical billing and coding field is a rewarding and high-paying career choice. In medical billing and coding, the biller and coder work together with billers to make sure the healthcare provider receives payment. In the United States, 341,600 billers and coders are employed in the US. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for these professionals is projected to increase by eight percent over the next decade. Moreover, the demand for these workers will increase by 29% between 2019 and 2029.