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In todayҳ video Iҭ sharing some tips on things you can do to reach your weight and fitness goals that are definitely outside of the box. Thereҳ so much more that goes into it than just food and fitness. Itҳ often the little things that make all the difference! So in this vid IҶe summarized my tops tips for losing weight that have nothing to do with what youҲe eating and everything to do with how organized you are! Hereҳ a link to get up to $20 in Shopping Credit when you join Thrive Market!: ***I HIGHLY recommend finding and getting these snacks (and all superfoods) at Thrive Market. They beat the prices of all health food stores . Thrive Market is honestly such a steal ֠best prices and quality ever Shop my fav products here ֠ Links to outfit: Pants: Top (in black or white): חחחחחז Text me to receive personalized tips based on your questions & concerns! 310-359-1656 FOLLOW ME ON: INSTAGRAM TIKTOK SNAPCHAT ADD ME: TWITTER FACEBOOK WEBSITE חחחחחז * LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE * חחחחחז DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only. Nothing contained in these videos should be construed as providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should immediately consult with your physician respecting any medical concerns that you may have. #drmonavand #weightloss #weightlosstips dr mona vand,dr mona,dr vand,weight loss tips that work dr mona vand,weight loss tips that work mona vand,weight loss mona vand,weight loss tips that work,weight loss,weight loss tips,lose weight,lose weight fast,lose belly fat,belly fat,how to lose belly fat,how to lose weight,how to lose weight fast,how to get rid of belly fat,how to get rid of belly fat fast,how to lose belly fat for men,how to lose belly fat naturally,#weightloss