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Do You Have A VITAL Personal Health Plan? Although, most people, proclaim, their desire to live the happiest, healthiest life, possible, wouldnҴ it make sense, to take the time, and make the effort, to ensure, you perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, a personally, meaningful, VITAL personal health plan? When was the last time, you performed an introspective, objective, check ֠up, from the neck ֠up, with the intention, of better knowing, understanding, and appreciating the best way, forward, in your own best interests? How can we achieve the health and happiness, we seek, without paying keen attention, to these essential matters? Will You FIGHT For Your Health? If you wonҴ pay keen attention to, and do, everything possible, to protect yourself, and comprehensively, take care of, and, FIGHT, daily, for your personal health, and well ֠being, no one else will! Itҳ generally, up to you, whether, you will help yourself, and take control of your fate and destiny, or, simply, wish and hope, for personal health and happiness, instead! Henry Ford is, generally, credited with saying, You can think you can, or canҴ. How To Be Your Very BEST? If you want to become, as happy, and self ֠fulfilled, as possible, doesnҴ it make sense, to strive, to become your very BEST? While, many claim, they will do what is needed, to achieve this level, few, either maintain the commitment, endurance, necessary positive, can ֠do, attitude, or self ֠confidence, to continue forward, despite obstacles, thrust in their way! Most look for the path of least resistance, and, opt for this, and perceive obstacles, as problems, rather than as challenges, to overcome. How Do You VALUE Yourself? If, you donҴ respect yourself, and/ or, believe in your VALUE, how can you, become the best, you can be, and, truly, feel good, about your past, present, and/ or future ideas, actions, preferences, and/ or priorities? While, most people, tell others, how great they are, in many instances, they donҴ truly believe, what theyҲe publicly, stating/ saying. When was the last time, for example, you took the time, and made the effort, to give yourself, a check ֠up, from the neck ֠up, in an objective, introspective manner, and, discovered, your actual strengths and weaknesses, so, you might better, more effectively, useż/p> Why You Need To Take CARE Of Yourself? If you hope to become the best, happiest, and most personally fulfilled, you might be, itҳ important to be ready, willing, and able, to give yourself, a check ֠up, from the neck ֠up, in an objective, introspective manner, and focus, on the best way, to take the finest CARE of yourself, and you personal needs, goals, and priorities! While this may seem obvious, few people take the time, or make a concerted effort, to do so, often making a wide variety of excuses, etc, for failing to! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review,ż/p> Why We Need To Overcome Our FEAR? Although, many proclaim, the fear of failure, is a most powerful force, in most cases, it seems, itҳ the FEAR of success, which might be, the even, more relevant force! If we hope, to become, the best, we might be, itҳ important to realize, often, as Groucho Marx, said, Itҳ a matter of mind over matter, and if you donҴ have a mind, it doesnҴ matter. Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared, The only thing we have to fear, is fear, itself. A Personal PATH To A Better Life! There is no such thing, as, one ֠size ֠fits ֠all, when it comes to achieving personal, inner peace and tranquility, happiness, and, what, we commonly refer to, as a better life! It takes giving ourselves a true, check ֠up, from the neck ֠up, so we might be able to be truly, objective, and introspective, and find, the finest, personal PATH, for ourselves. If you wish to be happy, it requires doing some homework, and, being honest, with yourself, about what you seek, your personal strengths and weaknesses, and, possess a willingness to expand the self ֠imposedż/p> When You WonҴ Face Facts, Who Is HURT? When we deny realities, refuse to face the facts, and/ or, resort to procrastination, instead of proceeding, in the finest, well ֠considered, proactive behavior, instead of making things better, we generally, make things far worse! We can, either, become our own best friend, or, unwittingly, harm ourselves, by this behavior! When, for whatever reason, we refuse to face the facts, who ends up getting HURT? Why You Should Pay Attention To Warning SIGNS? One of the reasons, procrastination, is such a danger, to our overall health, and well ֠being, is most of us, experience certain warning SIGNS, which, if addressed, in a timely manner, can, often, be, minimized, but, if ignored, may be significant obstacles to our health, and well ֠being. Proactively, paying attention, to these, was, often, the primary reason, given, by the late, Dr. Robert Atkins, for, why he dedicated much of his life, to the significance of paying attention, to minimizing our overall use, of carbohydrates, in terms of health benefits! Facing Obstacles?: Do You See Problems, Or Challenges? You can think you can, or canҴ. Either way, youҬl be correct! These words, credited to Henry Ford, proclaim, a similar message, to the one articulated, by the one ֠of ֠a ֠kind, Groucho Marx, Itҳ a matter of mind over matter.